Rural Telephone Companies

Saskatchewan, Canada

1908 many Rural Telephone Companies (RTC) were formed by Farmers, Early Settlers, and small towns.

  1. Wilcox RTC- capital $5,000- 61 Instruments
  2. Truax RTC- capital $5,000- 45 Instruments
  3. Long Grade RTC- capital $1500- 10 Instruments
  4. Okabena RTC- capital $1500- 15 Instruments
  5. Weyburn RTC- capital $5000- 70 Instruments
  6. Sunny Hill RTC- capital $450- 10 Instruments
  7. Saltcoats RTC- capital $12,000- 78 Instruments
  8. Yellow Grass RTC- capital $10,000- 88 Instruments
  9. Gray-Milestone RTC- capital $3,000- 27 Instruments
  10. Forest RTC- capital $3000- 16 Instruments
  11. Drinkwater and Briercrest RTC- capital $1800- 11 Instruments
  12. West Weyburn RTC- capital $300- 5 Instruments
  13. Dundurn RTC- capital $8000- 62 Instruments
  14. Pioneer RTC- capital $700- 5 Instruments
  15. Creelman RTC- capital $1500- 25 Instruments
  16. Farmer's North East Milestone RTC- $950- 18 Instruments
  17. Lang- 5 companies capitalized $1500 ea- 110 Instruments total
  18. Rouleau RTC- capital $2500- 18 Instruments
  19. Theodore, Springdale, Beaverdale RTC- capital $5200- 80 Instruments
  20. Wheatland RTC- capital $4000- 27 Instruments
  21. Corinne RTC- capital $5000- 52 Instruments

then Jan 1909 more were added

  1. Florence RTC- capital $1525- 29 Instruments
  2. South Antler RTC- capital $800- 13 Instruments
  3. Silverton RTC- capital $950- 16 Instruments

Feb 1909

  1. Stoney Beach RTC- capital $5100- 36 Instruments

March 1909

  1. Tregarva RTC
  2. Wascana RTC
  3. North Regina RTC
  4. Boggy Creek RTC
  5. Victoria RTC

as of Apr 1909

  1. 35 Rural Telphone Companies were formed
  2. 27 more were being added
  3. 8 lines had being built
  4. Poles were ordered for 25 companies
  5. 13 applications for charters were pending
  6. 2 lines are being constructed
  7. 20 thousand poles were suppied by the Government to these small RTC's

—- 1924- D.C.McNab Deputy Minister of Telephones reported there was 96,080 telephones in Saskatchewan
Dugald C. McNab


  • Last modified: 2021/06/12 19:46
  • by dlgent