Old Remo, Karl Marki

Old Remo, British Columbia, Canada

Old Remo

Stories and Pictures below courtesy Karl Marki, Cowichan Bay BC
I thank Karl for his contribution, and I do hope one day he will write a biography about his life.

Here’s some photos taken at Old Remo, taken by my Mother & Dad, around the time that we arrived in Remo until the time we left as near as I can figure it out, (May 1938 until about April 1940). My father hurt himself, cutting his leg getting fire wood in the snow, He almost died, (that’s another story), however we moved to Prince Rupert. Like you said to me on the phone I should write a biography about it all, maybe some day I will. So here are some Photos, not the best of quality but taken a long time ago.

Me (Karl Marki) about 5 yrs. old
with a Beaver that a trapper caught and was passing by our place.

Left to right; Herman Froese, his wife, my Father Karl Marki, my mother Sophie,
Front their daughter Betty, My sister Tildy & Myself.

Remo Ferry with Charlie Lindstrom,
my sister, and Charlie’s daughter, taken from the East Side landing.

This was our chicken coup on the opposite side of the Alwil Creek
and that rickety bridge was put up in a hurry, but functional.

Herman Froese's house, it was just up from the ferry landing, on the East side of the River.
It is all washed away now as is the original Remo Settlement.
It used to be between the railroad tracks and the river, had a small store, post office and a hall that served as a school and dances,
also some bunk house’s for the railroad section gang.

This how we crossed the creek when we first got there
just below where the bridge is now.

The barn my Dad (Karl Marki) built in a hurry.

My Mom & Dad (Karl and Sophie Marki)
in front of the new house Dad built.

Thanks for sharing this Karl!

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Note- Not my sites, links may or may not work in the future

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  • Last modified: 2017/11/20 19:17
  • by dlgent