Phelan Station

Phelan Station, British Columbia, Canada

Phelan Station

Latitude- 54º 12' N,
Longitude- 130º 16' W

Elevation- 19 ft above sea level

1735.4 miles from Winnipeg 10.7 miles from Prince Rupert

Hanson Pole Co. established a cedar pole landing area here
Poles were rafted to this area, to be loaded on trains.

My guess it was named after John Theodore Phelan
(telegraph call letters- PH)
Superintendent of the Dominion Government Telegraph.
1910 he was a Train Dispatcher in Ottawa ON

There was also the Phelan and Shirley Contractors on the Grand Trunk Pacific


  • Last modified: 2017/11/24 17:40
  • by dlgent